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Construction Worker

Health & Safety, Environment & Quality Management

The health, safety and welfare of our employees and Clients is of prime importance to Tavolin Investments (Private) Limited and it is essential to the efficient operation of all our undertakings. The responsibility for safety at work rests upon all of our management, and the Company will ensure that this policy is pursued throughout the organisation.


Tavolin Investments (Private) Limited strives to take all reasonably practicable precautions to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of its employees by providing critical PPE in the execution of works.

Image by Jason Jarrach

Quality, Environment & Sustainability Management

The issue of quality is underpinned by our focus on the environment and sustainability and this in turn directs our policy on supply chain management. We understand that environmentally sustainable practices are both good business practice and corporate social responsibility.

We will as much as possibly look at local procurement of materials which are environmentally friendly as much as our client quality and
performance requirements will direct. 

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